Monday, February 6, 2012

Changing Nothing

My heart is heavy
Deeply burdened
With nothing
This is what I see the children aspiring to be
What mothers send them to school with
And what sits waiting to greet them when they get home
This is what the fathers work so hard to achieve
So they can pass it down to their offspring
This is the focal point of many conversations
And the idea that carouse many youthful actions
This is the biggest investment of today
Which has the greatest yield
It multiplies 30, 60, some 90 folds
We are reaping the harvest of our sowing
We’ve given sweat, blood, and tears to purchase this
We have earned this rightfully
We have put nothing into existence
And I sit saddened
Nothing is what keeps me awake at night
Nothing is what sits on my mind
I am working so hard to change nothing
My heart is heavy
Deeply burdened
With nothing
But praise God for mercy
For this is what covers nothing
“Come you all that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest
See this is why I call Him Aba
Not because I need rest
But because I need His love
For He is love and I need Him in me
I need to love nothing
Suffer long with nothing
Learn not to judge nothing or provoke nothing
Most of all I need to believe in nothing
Hope in nothing
And endure for nothing
Because this is what I’ve been called to do
Humble myself to nothing
And from here start to build something
Because with God
All things are possible
Even adding something to nothing
To gain a difference

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