Friday, December 17, 2010

Thank You Note: For Razon

Beautiful ebony dipped in caramel
What a sweet sight to see
Never had a role model
But you are just like the woman I want to be
Genuine and kind
God has blessed the world with you
Humble greatness drizzled with confidence
Like you where put here for us to look up to
Well at least I tilt my head up to the heavens
Not only out of respect
But I too feel the boldness in your presence
I love how you're so cool with being yourself
But if I were you
I wouldn't want to be anyone else
But in all do respect
I'm content with being your cousin
Treasure you can bank on
You're something like what they call a dime a dozen
Discernment of a wise mother
But carefree as adolescence
There's understanding in your heart
You're nothing short of a blessing
And I thank God for you
Making a dream of being wonderful so close I can touch it
So I embrace you with love
As you empower my soul and think nothing of it
I call you my family
But you treat me like a friend
On a normal numeric scale
You surpass the ten
At least in my book you are definitely a highlight
An inspiration of life
And for this reason I write
For elevating a young woman such as myself
To the point where we're at a higher altitude
This is my thank you letter
Enclose is my gratitude

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Born to Write

From the depths of my soul I am a writer. My greatest contribution has been letting my pen collide with paper and letting inspiration form. Since a child I have lacked verbal communication, being scared and timid to speak my mind. As I grew and my thoughts did the same I had to get them out. Vocal cords still not strong enough to project my feelings and thoughts, I picked up my pen and began to write. Every emotion imaginable filled the page: joy, sorrow, fear, power, confidence, determination, defeat, love, hate, and confusion sat in bold letters for the world to read. Here on blank pages I discovered who I am. Being able to venture through a world of words, picking the ones that best fit the mood, and placing them side- by- side to create my own universe is liberating. In some instances facts must be uncovered and trailed by my opinion, at other times, I create my own truth, leaving the world no other option but to accept it. Whatever the case may be, my passion pierces the page, and ink drains so that you may see it with your own eyes, jolting emotion to the core of you. There is nothing else I can do so effortlessly as if first nature, for it is first nature. We learn to talk first, imitating the world around us. But for me, I didn’t learn to speak until I learned to write. 

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Strong, Black Woman

Strong, black woman
Conditioned to carry the world on her shoulders
Somebody give her some pads quick
Because tackling life's issues bare back is unsafe
But she does it anyways
Exposed to pain at a young age
The harsh reality caused her to callus
Second winds is the only breath she knows
Determination and preservation resulted in endurance
Though her body is sore
And mind is tired
She can;t stop
For her world depends on her
Who else is going to sacrifice good times
To cultivate that seed he discarded
Using s all her resources
To plow the soil
And plant it on good ground
Watering it with wisdom
And tending to it with love
She tries to uproot the weeds that grows along with it
This is a back breaking process
But every sore muscle, stiff joint, and aching bones is worth it
Because when that seed blossoms
Life can yield no greater reward
Her strength is not an option
But an necessity less she dies
It takes power to live this life
Not that this was her first choice
But the result of them
Everyone is foolish enough to make mistakes
But not everyone is strong enough to endure the consequences
So to her who is
My hat goes off to you
For I am the by product of such a creature
I myself Have become a strong, black woman