Friday, November 19, 2010

Do the Right Thing

“You can only do what’s right after you’ve made mistakes.” This was a post that I read and it jumped out at me from a distance. I immediately disagreed.  I argued the fact that we should learn from other’s mistakes, and the reason we make mistakes is because we are simply human. The writer of the initial post proclaimed me to be wrong. He said, “It starts from a little child. You make a mistake you feel the pain and you learn not to do it anymore.”  Only if life was so easy. If you are wise, the pain will teach not to do the action in which cause the pain. Many undergo variations of the same underlying pain without comprehending the lesson. But I was wrong. Not about my opinion (in fact that is what it all is) but I was wrong for changing his statement. He did not say that you can only learn from mistakes, rather he said you can only do what’s right after making mistakes. So in a literal sense, he is saying that everything we do will be wrong and only after we make the wrong decision can we make the right one. When you tie it in with the secondary statement that you can only truly learn from your own mistakes I come to the conclusion that we can’t comprehend other’s life lesson; we must live through each one ourselves. On the contrary, not everyone has to get an STD or presented with the decision to have a baby or an abortion to know to wear protection. Not everyone has to go to jail, lose their family, or suffer other negative consequences to know doing drugs in a bad decision. I am not arguing that we can learn everything from other people’s mistakes, but I cannot agree that we can only do right after being wrong. He went on to tell me, “the most smartest (wisest) person in a room is usually the one who has made the most mistakes in life.” Is he serious? Yes, yes he is. Once again agreement is absent between us. There is nothing new under the sun. Life doesn’t present you with that many scenarios for you to make new mistakes and continue to grow wiser from each one. We all make mistakes, it’s inevitable since there was only one perfect man and when we see Him again this life will be over. But if somebody is making that many mistakes I truly believe that they are repeating some of the same mistakes. Some learn faster than others while some are negligent to the lessons. Those who are negligent are usually the ones with the most mistakes, and in turn they are not present with the wiser men. At the end of the day, this is my opinion, not mistaken fact, but my opinion.

Monday, November 15, 2010

One Step, Two Step

I was given a test the other week. I failed. I am truly trying to be a better Christian. Live life the way God intends His children to live, but this is a difficult task. Yes, I know that I am a baby in Christ and, as so in the natural, it is only expected that I will fall once in a while as I am learning to walk this new spiritual walk. I have been crawling for a long time down the path of righteousness, taking frequent stops, and a few turn a rounds. But lately I had decided to stand up tall and take those steps towards the One who loves me. Since I am a beginner I understand that my legs are weak and that I can easily fall into temptation. With that being said, I would not want to down play the fact that I was operating in my sinful nature and this is the reason I fell. I am trying to walk down the narrow road with a bag of worldly things on my shoulder that is too broad to fit. This alone is enough to make me stumble and fall and a guarantee that I will. Now, I can shuck, jive, two- step, and electric slide up and down the road of destruction (and I have), but it time to take my dancing shoes off and out on the armor that has been outlined for me in Ephesians. And as I pick up my armor, I have to put the bag down for it is impossible to carry both. They are in direct conflict with each other and it would be insane to fight that in which you love. I profess my struggles as a sign of humility, not to excuse myself for my actions. So until I get the rhythm of righteousness and the hang of holiness pray for me strength, and even after it comes to pass pray for me perseverance. But now I will Praise the Lord for even in my struggles I AM BLESSED.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


I fell in love last night
Well, it was more like a pleasant slip into darkness
Embraced by a good time
They say the freaks come out at night
And that's why I should've stayed my ass at home
Because I was feeling free to be me
And before I knew it
He had smitten me
Intrigued me like a complex puzzle
But the mood was so easy
Kinda like a game of tic- tac- toe
How most of the time no one ever wins
But you don't really feel like you loss
We just play for the fun of it
At no expense and no cost
But maybe I did pay too much
Attention to the fact that his chest bulge
Like that battle back in history
And now I'm waring with the thought
On whether or not I should indulge
Damn temptation is sweet
And hot like fire
I wanna blame it on the devil
But this is my flesh's desire
I know I'm supposed to kill this thing daily
But I've never been a murderer
Maybe a lustful fornicator
Drunk and a worrier
And that's why I can't help but think
Why he didn't ask for my number
I mean how else are we supposed to be together
And that's the point exactly
We not now, not never
Because it's my flesh that wants to be with him
And this thing has got to die
First time in life pain before pleasure
So don't trip when you see a tear in my eye
Because to have a piece of candy in it and can't have a taste
Is enough to make you cry
But in due time the sorrow will dry
Because victory is much sweeter
And the woman strong enough to overcome this sinful nature
I have to meet her
So goodbye world
I must venture to a better place
Yes it was fun discovering good times
But now I must seek God's face

Monday, November 1, 2010

Who do You Love?

Love is long suffering, love is kind, does not behave rudely, thinks no evil, does not seek its own, keeps no record of wrong, love bears all things. These are just a few characteristics of love and Already I have fallen short. Many times love is thought of as a feeling, not an action, and even less often thought of as a commandment by God. We say I love you to countless of people who enter our lives, but how many do we actually demonstrate true love to? As I sit and write this I must ask for forgiveness from you the reader and my heavenly Father for I have sinned against you all. I am rude, mean, short tempered, and self- centered. Even with my own baby I find myself getting frustrated and/or irritated with more ease than should be. In most actions I've taken satisfying me is the end goal, either stated or implied. My positive talk can easily be countered if I am angered, and I forget nothing. So yes, I remember how many times you sinned against me and my "good name". So at the end of the day who do I love?  Not my mother, not my father, nor sister, brother, cousin, friend or child. Not even God Himself. Now that's deep. Deep like the pain I bear with this realization. But what would I expect, we were all born of mere flesh and the flesh tells us to rebel against God so why would I be any different? I have accepted that we naturally care for others, but love.... love is something we must first acknowledge that we don't know and then strive to learn. Love is a process that requires conscience thought, and a lot of repentance. I am accepting that love is a foreign action unto my flesh, but it is something that my spirit must master. So when I tell you I love you and then sin against you, please forgive me, for I am trying to learn this thing called love.